54 Anzac Ave Hillcrest
Queensland 4118

Australian Army
The Australian Army motto represents courage, sacrifice, and selflessness. It embodies the army's ethos, culture, and operational capability, reflecting the dedication and professionalism of our soldiers. The motto reminds us that the safety and security of our nation rest in the hands of our brave soldiers, who are always ready to defend Australia's interests.
Royal Australian Air force
RAAF's motto, "Per Ardua Ad Astra," means "Through Adversity to the Stars." This reflects their commitment to overcoming challenges and achieving success by surmounting obstacles. It has been a guiding principle since 1921 and is a testament to the courage and dedication of RAAF personnel. It inspires those pursuing excellence and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices and hardships our service members face in their pursuit of greatness.
Royal Australian Navy
The Royal Australian Navy motto is "Navy. It's not just a job, it's an adventure" which reflects the dedication, commitment, and adventurous spirit of its service members. The Navy is always ready to face challenges and protect the nation's interests with professionalism and courage. Teamwork and camaraderie are central to the Navy's ethos, enabling it to achieve great things and maintain its reputation as a respected and admired military force.
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Caring for the Defence Personnel and their Families

It is imperative for us, as a society, to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices made by our Defence personnel and their families. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their selflessness and dedication towards ensuring our safety and security. In order to truly honour their contributions, we must strive to create a culture of caring and support, tailored specifically for them.

Our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much to ensure that we can live in a safe and democratic society. It is up to us to ensure that they receive the necessary care and resources to help them navigate the challenges that come with their service to our country. By acknowledging their sacrifices and providing them with the support they need, we can create a society that truly honours their contributions and values the importance of Defence personnel. Let us come together to honour these brave men and women, and to thank them for their unwavering devotion towards our nation’s security.

Our Mission

is to provide a range of support services, camaraderie, welfare, and assistance to former and present servicemen and women. We strongly believe in upholding the values of courage, commitment, and honour, which our veterans have embodied in their service to our country.

One of the ways we accomplish this is by celebrating and remembering those who have served on behalf of our nation. We hold a variety of commemorative events, offer advocacy, and provide opportunities for social activities, and more, all of which aim at enhancing the well-being of veterans and their families.

We also take it upon ourselves to pay tribute to our fellow servicemen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while in the line of duty. They are the true heroes that inspire us and the nation to never forget the remarkable things they have accomplished in the service of our nation.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our work. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve our veterans and their families in every way possible.

Our Vision

At our Sub-Branch, we have a deep and unwavering commitment to helping those who have bravely served our country. Our vision is to not only provide support, but to specifically focus on the younger generation of veterans who deserve our utmost attention and care. We recognize that these individuals have made immense sacrifices for our freedoms, and we believe it is our duty to give back to them in any way possible. That’s why we strive to provide a wide range of resources and assistance to help our younger veterans get the help and support they need to successfully reintegrate into civilian life. We work tirelessly to ensure these brave men and women receive the education, training, and support they need to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling, successful lives after their service. We are privileged to have the opportunity to serve those who have served us, and we will always remain committed to this cause.

The Greenbank RSL Sub-Branch

Greenbank RSL Sub-Branch is a multifaceted organization that serves the needs of current serving members of the Australian Defence Force, members of the ex-Service community, and their families, and not just a social venue. It has a range of welfare activities and offers a volunteer hospital and home visit program to support those who need it the most. The Sub-Branch has Department of Veterans’ Affairs trained Pension Officers who can assist in Veterans Pension claims and closely interacts with DVA to ensure smooth operations.

Contrary to popular belief, the Sub-Branch is not only involved in welfare activities but also plays a significant role in the community. It provides guest speakers and bursaries to schools and grants to the community groups. The RSL Youth Development Program is a significant initiative taken by the Sub-Branch to establish educational scholarships. The Sub-Branch has successfully established Women’s and Citizen’s Auxiliaries throughout Australia and has a prime focus on commemorative activities that encourage loyalty within the community.

All current serving ADF and ex-service personnel that served in any Australian or Allied Service or completed National Service for a minimum of 6 months are eligible to join. The Sub-Branch has a vast membership, with over 1200 members, and is one of the largest in the South Eastern District and Queensland. The Sub-Branch strongly upholds its responsibility to ensure that veterans receive the honor and respect they deserve and lobby government on Veteran Affairs and Defence matters. It has also donated millions of dollars to medical research to support communities as a whole. The Sub-Branch meets in the Greenbank Services Club monthly, and all members are welcome to attend.

With over 1200 members, the Greenbank RSL Sub-Branch Inc. is one of the largest in the South Eastern District and Queensland.

The role of any Sub-Branch is to service the needs of its members, members of the ex-Service community and currently serving members of the Australian Defence Force and their families.

The Sub-Branch is also responsible for the organisation of Commemorative Services such as Anzac Day, Vietnam Veteran’s Day, and Remembrance Day which are held in the Memorial Gardens of the Greenbank Services Club.

The Sub-Branch meets in the Greenbank Services Club on the third Monday of each month from 7pm except January when no meeting is held and December when the meeting is brought forward one week due to the Christmas Season. All Sub-Branch Members are welcome to attend.